LibreOffice Calc & Python Programming: Part 0 – Get started

I am very exited to start new series of articles to help you with learning new skills.

This tutorial is intended for you if you are looking to use LibreOffice Calc in a more productive way as well as if you want to learn a practical way to use the Python programming language.

My goal is to do this in roughly 10 parts, with a soft learning curve introducing Python and its awesome capabilities to interact with LibreOffice suite, in particular with LibreOffice Calc for this tutorial.

WHY did I choose to teach you Python to write programs to interact with LibreOffice Calc?

There are two reasons:

  1. To me it is not worth using the built-in LibreOffice Macro Language and it’s better to use a language that you can use for other things
  2. Python is awesome! I could have choose JavaScript, C++ or any other programming language that LibreOffice supports, but I prefer Python because it’s so easier than any other programming language when you start programming.

WHAT’s the plan?

  1. Making sure that you have everything ready: software, add-on, documentation.
  2. A quick example to check if everything is in place
  3. Defining the project: writing the blue print
  4. Working on the Project
  5. Wrap-up and possible extensions

I can’t wait to start. However I have a very busy life at the moment, so I am going to be realistic and have a target of 1 article every two weeks for this tutorial, this is going to be a long exiting journey!

If you like this tutorial you could buy me a coffee to help me continue writing add-free tutorials.

Thank you!


  1. Nukool Chompuparn

    Looking forward to reading LibreOffice Calc & Python Programming: Part 1 and thank you in advance.

    1. gweno (Post author)

      Hi. Thanks for your comment. It motivates me to start it now!

  2. Nukool Chompuparn

    Now my project of replacing MS Excel VBA with LibreOffice BASIC on Calc is nearly finished. Today I came back to start reading from this post again.

    1. gweno (Post author)

      That’s a good move! I am going to write more soon, I hope it’ll be useful to you. I am currently writing an ‘annex’ post on using GIT and gitHub, the idea is to introduce useful programming tools.
      Thanks for your support.


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